so today.. was FUNNY to say the least.. started off as any usual Sunday..well usual for at the moment..the clean... the extra clean.. anyone who knows me that i'm not messy on a good day so the clean is just to make things sparkly.. and then since M&D are away {or were.they are now home.... eek....}... i had to i was happy coz i got ALL of the yard done..sweet.. oh and alittle tan happening.. well thought it was a slight add to the colour but apparently alittle more..abit red today..but then tomorrow will be brown..oh how blessed to have good skin.. and then.. it was... Traceys Bday on Friday so for her 35th she decided to do something alittle different... so she had an 80's Roller Skating party... yeah.. and NO there was no alcohol involved.. scary hey... so apparently since i'm an awesome friend we had to get dressed i ended up doin the whole fluro thing .which is really easy ...since the fluro is BACK yeah baby.... hehehe.... so this is what i looked like... {{WARNING.. viewing is guaranteed to produce LAUGHTER...}
so i have just found this..........
OMG BOYZ II MEN.. i drooled over them and their songs.. {not sure about the biebster..but anyho...worth a share...}
so reminising {spelling??whoops}
i think this was my fav...
so YEAH.. not much happening in the world of lj this weekend..sorry.. oh except i was COMPLETELY alone for the weekend.. from Friday when i finished work until about 11 today and i must say i liked IT... yep ... i did.. so what did i do..well after much discussion and Laughter with one of the gorgeous girls at work i decided on movie went to Kmart after work purchased Burlesque {well had to be girly..was only me after all}.. went to bottle o { got cruisers which funnily enough i didnt have any until Saturday night} and Hannah {from work} gave me a block of chocolate for my night.. {see i said she was gorgeous oh and she is STUNNING as well.. seriously..but anyho}.. back to business.. oh and when we were talking i said that i think i'm goin to sleep in the NUDE [yep sorry for mental pictures.. hit erase NOW] .. i mean how liberating is it.. i love it.. and since i'm single i dont have the .. how shall i put this.. Man pressures that goes with naked sleeping..... so i thought HELL YEAH... and it was fantastic.. bliss.. omg... oh.. i think i should really insert a WARNING before that .. might be a slight over share.. but you see.. every.. well pretty much every night miss Ivy comes into my bed and i find it not appropriate to sleep starkass when the kids are home.. so with no one about .... wow.. and i suggest you try it sometime if you dont already that is.. .lol..... so yeah.. anyho... more movies sat night then i have already mentioned above what i did TOday.... so there you have it.. .oh and sorry but Zinga never got to me today for any requests so there are all mine today..
so reminising {spelling??whoops}
i think this was my fav...
so YEAH.. not much happening in the world of lj this weekend..sorry.. oh except i was COMPLETELY alone for the weekend.. from Friday when i finished work until about 11 today and i must say i liked IT... yep ... i did.. so what did i do..well after much discussion and Laughter with one of the gorgeous girls at work i decided on movie went to Kmart after work purchased Burlesque {well had to be girly..was only me after all}.. went to bottle o { got cruisers which funnily enough i didnt have any until Saturday night} and Hannah {from work} gave me a block of chocolate for my night.. {see i said she was gorgeous oh and she is STUNNING as well.. seriously..but anyho}.. back to business.. oh and when we were talking i said that i think i'm goin to sleep in the NUDE [yep sorry for mental pictures.. hit erase NOW] .. i mean how liberating is it.. i love it.. and since i'm single i dont have the .. how shall i put this.. Man pressures that goes with naked sleeping..... so i thought HELL YEAH... and it was fantastic.. bliss.. omg... oh.. i think i should really insert a WARNING before that .. might be a slight over share.. but you see.. every.. well pretty much every night miss Ivy comes into my bed and i find it not appropriate to sleep starkass when the kids are home.. so with no one about .... wow.. and i suggest you try it sometime if you dont already that is.. .lol..... so yeah.. anyho... more movies sat night then i have already mentioned above what i did TOday.... so there you have it.. .oh and sorry but Zinga never got to me today for any requests so there are all mine today..
oh oh oh and we had 4 groups through today and the agent said 1 may look cross your fingers and your toes for me...... OK.. you have them crossed right??????
heheheheheee.... still can't get those socks outta my head!! too funny - what a cool party. Hope trace had a good night. Good for you with the liberated sleepin' ;)... have a great w/end lovely lady! xx
I have my fingers and toes and everything crossed for you. You rock the 80's gear :)
LOVE those socks!!! HAHAHA! Nice fluoro outfit too! You must be the world's best "Bestie!!" hee hee.
Great news on the selling of the house front! Hope someone puts in an offer ASAP..x
You look so freaking awesome!! Its like a flashback LOL Shit I haven't skated in 20 years, don't know if I could still do it. Glad you had a fab time! xoxo
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