Sunday, November 6, 2011

Roll up..Roll up....
its the sunday sesh with a lot.. you see i dont have any craftiness to instead i'm goin to share some songs..well it is Sunday afterall....
so grab

and sit back and enjoy.........
first up some requests from the Zinga...
{{have liked this song..but had no idea who sang it...}}
Seeker, Lover, Keeper... "Even though i'm a woman"

and....different pace..
Lenny Kravitz - "American Woman"

and then from me..
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros.. "HOME"

Basment Birds "waiting for you"

might share a sneak or two... just for fun..

hang on..hang on.. before you go.. i saw this ladies amazing work on the ABC this arv.. you MUST have a look.. superb...

Emma Hack..

so there you have it..... happy days to you all.. hope you all hae a super fantastically wonderful week........


Dolly B said...

Always enjoy your shares LJ, have you heard the little girl and her Dad singing "Home" its amazing
Hope your weekends been a good one
Mary x

mel said...

Never ever ever failed me for the sunday sesh...
Ahhh... good ol' its been a while..
Thanks for the chooglin' (sorry...that would be a bit of Creedance reference there..oldy but a goody...just like me!!)
Now that your sneeks are old news...they are pretty fab!!
Luv ya and thanks for the sesh!!!

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